Legal notices
In accordance with current legislation, here are the legal notices of our company:
Company name: Marketrotters
Legal form: SRL
Company/VAT number: BE 0691.650.679
Head office address: Avenue de la Gare, 214 in 4460 Bierset - Belgium
Company directors:
Maite Grisard
Virginie Chantry
Phone number:
+32 479 42 40 62 (Maïté Grisard)
+32 477 60 19 48 (Virginie Chantry)
Email address: contact@marketrotters.com
Publication directors: Maïté Grisard & Virginie Chantry
Host: Go Daddy
Information on the use of personal data: Privacy policy
Information on the use of cookies: Cookies policy
Notices relating to the terms and conditions of use of the website: Conditions of use
At Marketrotters, we are committed to protecting your personal data. We only collect and process your data for the purposes of our business activities, and we promise not to use it for inappropriate purposes. If you would like to know more about our privacy policy, you can consult it at the following url: Privacy policy .
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our services or website, please do not hesitate to contact us, preferably by email. We are also aware of the importance of resolving disputes quickly, which is why we are open to amicable resolution of any disputes. For any complaints, please contact us at the following email address: legal@marketrotters.com . If we are unable to find a mutually acceptable solution, you can use the European Union's Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform. For more information, please visit http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ .